Current Entries

02/28/2023    Dreams of a ZPM?


02/28/2023    The world's first carbon fiber reinforced concrete building:


              "German architecture firm Henn and the Technical
              University of Dresden have completed the world's first
              building made of carbon concrete ''“ a form of concrete
              reinforced with carbon fibre instead of steel.


              According to Henn head of sustainability Giovanni Betti,
              the slim line of the [building]'s facade was made possible by
              the use of carbon fibre reinforcement, which is rust-proof
              and so doesn't need to be covered in as much concrete.

              'Carbon fibre is four times lighter and six times stronger
              than steel and is not subject to corrosion,' Betti told Dezeen.
              'This means that the reinforcement does not have to be
              encapsulated in as much concrete to protect it from water and a
              same-sized section will be able to carry a higher load.'

              'Components and structures can be designed thinner, with
              material savings of 50 per cent or more. ...'"

02/28/2023    Clean code -> Horrible Performance:


02/16/2023    Alpines might be coming to the US:


02/15/2023    Planetary System Types - Ordered, Anti-Ordered, Mixed, and


              1. Ordered: planetary systems where "the mass of the
                 planets tends to increase with distance from the star
                 - just as in the Solar System."

              2. Anti-Ordered: the "mass of the planets roughly decreases
                 with distance from the star"

              3. Mixed - "the planetary masses ... vary greatly from planet
                 to planet."

              4. Similar - "the masses of neighboring planets are similar
                 to each other"

              Ordered and Anti-Ordered systems result from "[l]arge, massive
              [planetary] disks with many heavy elements"

              Mixed systems result from "medium-sized disks" and "[d]ynamic
              interactions between planets"

              Similar systems result from "small, low-mass disks and stars
              with few heavy elements"

02/02/2023    The Violin Doctor:


02/02/2023    Estimating Square Roots:


              1. For a given number n, pick a number g, where g^2
                 is a perfect square close to n

              2. Compute b = n / g

              3. Approximate sqrt(n) as (g + b) / 2

Earlier Entries

