Home / Notes / GnuPG Notes

1. Create a new key:

    $ gpg --gen-key

2. List all public keys:

    $ gpg --list-keys

3. List your public keys:

    $ gpg --list-keys 'user'

4. Get your key fingerprint:

    $ gpg --fingerprint 'user'

5. Export your public key in ascii:

    $ gpg -a --export 'user'

6. Importing a public key from a [FILE]:

    $ gpg --import [FILE]

7. Importing a public key from a [URL] a using curl:

    $ curl [URL] | gpg --import

8. Importing the public key with [id] from a [keyserver]:

    $ gpg --keyserver [keyserver] --recv-key [id]

    Reliable keyservers include:


    If importing hangs, it could be because the firewall is blocking
    outgoing port 11371/TCP.

    It could be due to not having outbound IPV6 connectivity.  If the
    issue is due to IPV6, add 'disable-ipv6' to ~/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf,
    kill any running dirmngr processes and retry importing keys.

    See: http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html#AEN84

9. Creating a ascii signature for a [file] in a separate [signature_file]:

    $ gpg -asb -o [signature_file] [file]


    $ gpg --sign --detach-sign --armor --output [signature_file] [file]

    If -o / --output [signature_file] is omitted, the signature is
    stored in [file].asc.

10. Verifying a signature:

    $ gpg --verify [signature_file] [file]

    If [file] is omitted, then [signature_file] must be named [file].asc