Home / Notes / MacOSX Finder Notes ================================== 1. Add Quit to Finder $ defaults write com.apple.Finder QuitMenuItem 1 && killall Finder 2. Disable/enable recent tags in Finder $ defaults write com.apple.Finder ShowRecentTags -bool false && killall Finder $ defaults write com.apple.Finder ShowRecentTags -bool true && killall Finder 3. Disable/enable preview controls in Finder $ defaults write com.apple.finder QLInlinePreviewMinimumSupportedSize -int 514 && killall Finder $ defaults write com.apple.finder QLInlinePreviewMinimumSupportedSize -int 64 && killall Finder From: Jacob, Disable annoying preview controls in Mac Finder, Beamtic (Oct. 12, 2022). 4. Restore classic path in Finder windows on Big Sur (11.x) $ defaults write -g NSWindowSupportsAutomaticInlineTitle -bool false && killall Finder From: Michael Tsai, More Big Sur UI Refinements (Oct. 30, 2020). 5. Location of Icon for / on Big Sur (11.x): /System/Volumes/Data/.VolumeIcon.icns 6. Built-in High Quality Icons: /System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/ From: Paul Horowitz, Get 53+ High Quality Mac & Apple Hardware Icons Right in Mac OS X, OSX Daily (June 27, 2012). 7. Disable Cmd-P for printing: a. Open System Preferences -> Keyboard (System Settings -> Keyboard in Ventura) b. Click on the "Shortcuts" tab ("Keyboard Shortcuts..." button in Ventura) c. In the left panel, select "Application Shortcuts" ("App Shortcuts" in Ventura) d. Below the right panel, click the "+" button e. In the "Application:" drop down, select "Finder" / "Finder.app" f. In the "Menu Title:" text field, enter "Bring All to Front" g. Click on the "Keyboard Shortcut" text field and press Cmd-P h. Click the "Add" button From: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4410612 8. Remove quarantine attribute for downloaded files: $ xattr -d com.apple.quarantine [file] From: https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/337273