Viewing the Text in PDFs in Terminal ------------------------------------ On MacOSX sometimes it is nice to be able to view / search the text in a PDF in Terminal, instead of in Preview or another GUI application. Preliminary Notes ----------------- These steps assume that MacPorts ( is installed in its default location (/opt/local) and that /opt/local/bin and /opt/local/sbin are in your $PATH. Steps ----- 1. Install xpdf and xpdf-tools through MacPorts: $ sudo port install xpdf-tools or Install poppler through MacPorts: $ sudo port install poppler 2. Configure the default papersize ('letter' for me): $ sudo paperconfig -p letter This may not be necessary if pdftotext from poppler is being used. 3. Use pdftotext to extract and view the text in a PDF: $ pdftotext -layout -nopgbrk [PDF] - | less where [PDF] is the path to the PDF to be viewed. The '-layout' option tells pdftotext to try to preserve the formatting / layout in the PDF (an alternative to this is the '-table' option), and the '-nopgbrk' option tells pdftotext to not insert pagebreaks (^L). 4. (Optional) To wrap the output to 75 columns, use fold or fmt: $ pdftotext -layout -nopgbrk [PDF] - | fold -w 75 -s | less or $ pdftotext -layout -nopgbrk [PDF] - | fmt -w 75 -ps | less If the [PDF] file contains non-ascii characters, fold or fmt may abort, in which case we can specify LC_ALL=C as an enviroment variable to fold or fmt: $ pdftotext -layout -nopgbrk [PDF] - | LC_ALL=C fold -w 75 -s | less or $ pdftotext -layout -nopgbrk [PDF] - | LC_ALL=C fmt -w 75 -ps | less See: References ---------- History ------- v.0.1.3 03/19/2022 - Add note that configuring paper size may not be needed if pdftotext from poppler is used v.0.1.2 03/18/2022 - Update to add references to poppler (dervied from xpdf) v.0.1.1 03/18/2022 - Update with notes about non-ascii characters in a PDF v.0.1.0 03/18/2022 - Initial version