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1. CVS commit the current file:

    :!cvs commit -m '[commit message]' %

2. Execute a command and read its input into the current


3. Hard wrap text to 80 columns:

    a. Set the text width to 80 columns:

        :set textwidth=80


        :set tw=80

    b. To format the entire file, go to the start of the file (:gg),
       and then:


        To format the current line only use :gq$

        To format the current paragraph only use :gq}

    c. Alternatively, use :%!fold -w [col]

    Sources: http://mark.stosberg.com/Tech/text_editor_review.html#vim

4. Split a window and edit two files

    a. :sp or <CTRL>ws (horizontal split, new window on the top
       :vs or <CTRL>vw (vertical split, new window is on the left)

    b. <CTRL>ww (move to new window)

    c. :edit [file]

    To resize a split: <CTRL>w+ (increase size)
                       <CTRL>w- (decrease size)

    To close a split: :only or :q or <CTRL>wo

    Sources: https://vim.works/2019/03/03/split-windows-in-vim/

5. Spell checking the current file:

    :!aspell -c %

6. Enable a custom dictionary for additional words for spelling mode:

   $ mkdir -p ~/.vim/spell
   $ touch ~/.vim/spell/en.utf-8.add

   From: https://codeyarns.com/tech/2015-09-30-how-to-make-spellfile-in-vim.html

7. Yank multiple lines

   [num lines]Y
   [num lines]yy

   For example, '3yy' would yank the current line and the next two lines.

   From: https://vi.stackexchange.com/questions/27148

8. Copy or cut the next word:

   Copy / yank - yiw
   Cut - ciw

   From:  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7797068/

9. Delete all text to the end of the file:

   From current line - dG
   From a particular line - :[line number],$d

10. Replace all occurrences of 'old' with 'new':


11. Execute a script being edited without quiting vim:


    From: https://www.tumfatig.net/2024/execute-current-edited-script-in-vim/

12. Navigation:

    0          - move to the first column of the current line
    ^          - move to the first non-space/tab character of the current line
    $          - move to the last character of the current line
    w          - move to the next word, exclusive of punctuation
    W          - move to the next word, inclusive of punctuation
    b          - move back one word, exclusive of punctuation
    B          - move back one word, inclusive of punctuation
    e          - move to the end of the current word, exclusive of punctuation
    E          - move to the end of the current word, inclusive of punctuation
    H          - move to the top of the current screen
    M          - move to the middle of the current screen
    L          - move to the bottom of the current screen
    1G (or gg) - move to the first line of the document
    G          - move to the last line of the document
    CTRL-F     - move forward one screen
    CTRL-B     - move back one screen

    From: https://vermaden.wordpress.com/2024/09/23/ghost-in-the-shell-part-8-use-vi-editor/