Home / Schoolwork

Santa Clara

1. Academic Success Program

    a. Constitutional Law I

       Semester Lesson Plan

       Handouts - Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4, Session 5

    b. Criminal Law

       Semester Lesson Plan, Practice Midterm, and Sample Answer

       Handouts - Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4, Session 5, Session 6

2. LAW105 Appellate Advocacy - Appellee's Brief (Award for Best Brief)

3. LAW392 International IP Treaties - Talk, Outline, and Paper

4. LAW101 Legal Research and Writing - Midterm, Final

5. Galloway Criminal Law Moot Court (2005) - Appellant's Brief


1. CS244B Distributed Systems - Squid 2.4STABLE1 Prefetch Patch

2. CS140 Operating Systems - Virtual Memory, File Systems [src]

3. CS161 Algorithms - A Heap Based Priority Queue [src]


1. CS294 Soft Computing - A Fuzzy Logic Water Temperature and Flow Controller [src]

2. ME223 Polymer Engineering - Polymer Selection Database [src]

3. ME226 Tribology - Evalutation of the Use of Sensors to Detect
   Erosive Wear [ps.gz] [pdf]