03/31/2022    Useful bash / zsh aliases:


              One I like, but did not see mentioned is as follows:

              alias bc="bc -l"

              which loads the math library and provides non-truncated results
              for division.

              From: https://www.johndcook.com/blog/2019/10/29/computing-pi-with-bc/

03/31/2022    Enable / disable low power mode on Monterey (12.x) with pmset:

              $ sudo pmset -a lowpowermode 1
              $ sudo pmset -a lowpowermode 0

              From: https://osxdaily.com/2022/03/30/enable-low-power-mode-mac-command-line/

03/31/2022    History of MacOS Releases:


03/28/2022    The rise of Python in scientific computing:


              It has been decades since I've used Fortran or had to
              do scientific programming, but even I was using Fortran
              it wasn't particularly likable or easy to use.  Python
              and numpy, on the other hand, are fairly likable and
              easy to use, while not being *that* slow, which makes
              it funto try out things that can be optimized later.

03/28/2022    Thoughts on retro-computing:


              I generally agree with this, with perhaps the exception
              of the statement that "[o]ld computers are not, for the
              most part, things of beauty, or even evocative of a lost
              culture, like steam locomotives or duelling pistols."

              A NeXT Cube, an Indigo, an Indigo2, an Iris, an O2, a G4
              iMac (Lampshade), a SS2/SS10, G3 Pismo, TiBook (sans
              delamination), and a G4 SawTooth/Mystic/Quicksilver, a
              Qudra 700, a 20th Anniversary Mac, all of which are
              probably considered "retro" now, could definitely be
              considered "things of beauty" and are "evocative of a
              lost culture" where users could easily work on their

03/27/2022    Interesting thoughts on Voyager (especially the observation
              that "the crew settled down *awfully* quickly"):


              I can't help but think that a crew that took longer to
              integrate would have made the first season more watchable.

              Along the same lines, it was probably a missed opportunity
              to explore a storyline where Seska finds out that she is
              Cardassian but wants to remain Bajoran (a reverse Kira, if
              you will).  Her relationship with the crew and Chakotay
              might have been much more interesting, not to mention that
              we might have gotten stories like the Wire or Empok Nor.

03/26/2022    Debian 11.3 is available:


03/24/2022    OpenZFS Feature Flags Compatibility Matrix:


03/22/2022    KeePassXC 2.7.0 is available:


03/22/2022    CrossOvers 21.2.0 is available:


              "CrossOver 21.2 includes over 300 updates to wined3d from
               upstream Wine. We also included dozens of changes from
               Wine 6.0.1 and 6.0.2 and updated to Wine Mono 7.0.

               Audio now works on both Mac and Linux for Halo: Master
               Chief Collection. We also fixed an issue with a recent
               Steam update that was causing some connections to take
               a very long time.

               On macOS, we fixed a long-standing issue with mouse
               control in Unity games. We also included fixes for the
               latest Rockstar Games Launcher and Quicken updates that
               caused those applications to stop working on M1 machines."

03/21/2022    Recent gravity wave detector studies rule out certain
              scalar field dark matter models and dark photon theories:

              "In December, a team led by Hartmut Grote of Cardiff
               University reported in Nature that they had used a
               gravitational wave detector to look for scalar-field
               dark matter ... . The team didn't find a signal, ruling
               out a large class of scalar-field dark matter models.
               Now the stuff [dark matter] can only exist if it affects
               normal matter very weakly - at least a million times more
               weakly than was previously thought possible.


               Meanwhile, [Keith] Riles [at the University of Michigan]
               and his colleagues have been searching for signs of 'dark
               photons' in data from LIGO ... and its partner [] Virgo[.]
               ... But the researchers found no such correlations in the
               data. Their result, reported last year, means that dark
               photons, if real, must be at least 100 times weaker than
               previously allowed."


03/21/2022    VLC v.3.3 for iOS 9.0+ will be available today:


              Supports Phone 4S, iPad 2nd generation, 1st generation
              iPad mini and Apple TV HD

03/18/2022    Shakespearean Play Essentials:


              Previously, Regency Novel or Pandemic Life:


03/18/2022    Notes on viewing the text in PDFs in Terminal on MacOSX:


03/17/2022    BBEdit 14.1.1 is available:


03/17/2022    Falsehoods programmers believe:


03/16/2022    CERN experiments with super-cooled Helium with an electron
              replaced with an anti-proton:


              "[The researchers] saw a decrease in the width of the
               antiproton spectral lines. Moreover, when they decreased
               the temperature of the liquid helium to values below the
               temperature at which the liquid becomes a superfluid, i.e.
               flows without any resistance, they found an abrupt further
               narrowing of the spectral lines.


               The researchers think that the surprising behaviour
               observed is linked to the radius of the electronic orbital,
               i.e. the distance at which the hybrid helium atom's electron
               is located. In contrast to that of many normal atoms, the
               radius of the hybrid atom's electronic orbital changes very
               little when laser light is shone on the atom and thus does
               not affect the spectral lines even when the atom is immersed
               in superfluid helium."

              See also: https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/03/absolutely-bonkers-experiment-measures-antiproton-orbiting-helium-ion/

03/16/2022    QEMU 7.0 will have 9pfs for MacOSX hosts (yay!):


              Hopefully someday, sound for PPC and 3D acceleration for
              Windows, respectively, will be merged in:

              PPC Screamer Audio: https://github.com/mcayland/qemu/tree/screamer
              PPC Screamer HOWTO: https://gist.github.com/akemin-dayo/0e9bdcd74b2ad7f0bcf56e0680256103
              3DFX Emulation for Windows Guests:

03/15/2022    Pulsars may be the source of some of the positrons (anti-
              matter) we detect here on earth:


03/15/2022    A new theory on ultra-light dark matter particles helping
              matter to collapse into supermassive black holes during
              the early days of the universe:


              According to the article, this theory makes a testable
              prediction on a type of gravity wave that could be detected
              by next generation gravity wave detectors.

03/15/2022    Instructions on running FreeBSD 13.0 ARM64 on qemu on MacOSX:


03/15/2022    US Senate passes bill to make daylight savings time permanent:


03/14/2022    Happy Pi Day / Einstein's Birthday!

03/11/2022    Some recommended Firefox privacy settings:


03/10/2022    Interesting discussion about inflation:


              and teleparallel gravity:


03/10/2022    Disable recent tags in MacOSX Finder:

              $ defaults write com.apple.Finder ShowRecentTags -bool false
              $ killall Finder

              To reenable recent tags in the MacOSX Finder:

              $ defaults write com.apple.Finder ShowRecentTags -bool true
              $ killall Finder

              See: https://derflounder.wordpress.com/2021/11/29/disabling-recent-tags-in-the-finder-window-sidebar/

03/10/2022    I discovered something new about macports today:

              $ sudo port reclaim

              which, according to port(1), "[r]eclaims disk space by
              uninstalling inactive ports and removing unneeded
              installation files."

              Not sure how I had missed this despite using macports
              for years.  From now on, I will have to remember to do
              the following when updating macports:

              $ sudo port selfupdate
              $ sudo port -u upgrade outdated
              $ sudo port reclaim

              See: https://lists.macports.org/pipermail/macports-users/2022-March/050900.html

              In other macports news, macports 2.7.2 is now available:
